go easy on yourself relentlessly

I am used to photo shoots taking up a good part of my day.  There’s the time required for the photographer to unpack suitcases of heavy equipment, setting up the shots,  shooting, and usually long pauses of waiting for them to get ready in between takes. The one I had today was different.   There was a tripod and a camera. A photographer and the publisher. easy peasy, ever so easy.  The photos were exceptional. the experience, delightful. why was this one different from most?   simply put, she said, “we want to make it easy for everyone.”   A choice. A commitment. A declaration of how life is going to be. As someone who has lived life’s complications, but wanting go with the flow and be at ease, this was a revelation.  It is simple as making a decision. Done.

Why do we make life so complicated for ourselves?

More importantly, how can we remove the clutter we create and allow ourselves the simplicity of ease?

What would that mean for you?

–  lighter baggage (physical and emotional)

– more free time

–  less travel/more travel

– better for you food

When you care about the quality of your life, you can live like a queen .

Are you willing to sacrifice something for everything better?

life is complicated.

liberation is how we want to live.